Destination naturisme

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Terms and Conditions


The use of the Ads Service is subject to the reading and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, and the Cookies Chart.

For any question regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact us.


These Terms and Conditions of Sale are intended to set the terms and conditions under which advertisers can make known a tourist service they offer via (hereinafter the "Site").

The Service is provided by the company under French law JUCOLAS PUBLISHING limited liability company, with variable capital of 1000 Euros, registered in the Register of Commerce and Companies of Evry, under the number 752 433 367.Registered office: 75 Grande rue, 91490, ONCY SUR ECOLE, FRANCEE

mail address:


Intra-Community VAT number: FR 18752433367

These General Conditions of Sale constitute the offer to contract proposed by JUCOLAS PUBLISHING, as of your acceptance, they constitute the agreement concluded between you and JUCOLAS PUBLISHING, which you accept irrevocably and without any reserve.


Prior to the completion of any transaction, you must complete the form provided by JUCOLAS PUBLISHING. Once the transaction has been completed, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address provided by you. This e-mail contains the details of the transaction and includes these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

Upon the formation of the contract, according to your request for immediate execution, your Ad will appear on the Site.

1 - Realization of the announcement:

The advertisement must relate exclusively to a tourist service marketed directly by the advertiser.

2 - Publication of the announcement:

After the completion of the announcement, the validation of the transaction and the acceptance of these General Conditions of Sale, an e-mail confirming the transaction will be sent. It will contain the following elements:

• the amount of the transaction including all taxes;

• the date of the transaction;

• the text of the ad;

• the duration of publication of the advertisement;

• the destination where your advertisement will appear;

• the hypertext link of your advertisement;

• these General Conditions of Sale previously accepted by you;

The upload is immediate from the payment of the transaction and the deletion date calculated according to the duration selected in the form by the advertiser, from the date of posting. The ads appear in the order of the transaction dates.

3 - Language of the announcement and translation:

The advertiser has the opportunity to write his advertisement in the language of his choice but can not hold JUCOLAS PUBLISHING responsible for the non-understanding of its text by users.


1. Amount and duration of validity of the prices:

Our offers, as well as the related prices, are valid as long as they are available on the Site. JUCOLAS PUBLISHING nevertheless reserves the right to modify its prices at any time.

Prices are in Euros. All orders, whatever their origin, are payable in Euros.

These new offers and / or prices will not modify the financial conditions that have been accepted by you during the period of execution of the contract binding you to JUCOLAS PUBLISHING.

2. Method of payment:

The payment of the Service of Announcements is done online either by bank transfer in Euros (contact us), or by credit card. The proposed price must be paid according to the payment procedure described during the process of completion of the transaction. Credit card transactions are carried out and secured by Paypal, JUCOLAS PUBLISHING does not process any of these data.


For any information or claim of any kind, our Customer Service is at your disposal at the following address:


JUCOLAS PUBLISHING makes its best efforts to provide the Service of Advertisements 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Nevertheless, considering the characteristics and constraints of the Internet network, you declare to accept that JUCOLAS PUBLISHING is held with no obligation of result concerning the accessibility of the Site and the Service of Announcements and irrevocably and without reserve accepts that the responsibility of JUCOLAS PUBLISHING can not be blamed for any direct or indirect damage resulting from any interruption of the Site.

In addition, JUCOLAS PUBLISHING reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or limit, without prior notice, access to all or part of the Site and the Announcements Service, in particular for maintenance and upgrade operations.

Also, it is your exclusive responsibility to take all necessary steps to ensure that the technical specifications of your computer or other device allow you access, consultation and download allowed under the Present in the Service of Ads, which you accept without reservation.

You represent and warrant JUCOLAS PUBLISHING that you are able, and have the power to conclude these General Conditions of Sale.

You agree to use the Ads Service strictly in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.


JUCOLAS PUBLISHING is the owner of all the intellectual property rights relating to the Site (namely in particular and without this list being exhaustive: trademarks, copyrights, software elements, texts, databases ...).


1. Applicable law - Autonomy of the clauses of the contract:

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale are subject to French law, that you accept irrevocably and without any reservation.

If one or more stipulations of the present General Conditions of Sale are held to be invalid or declared as such pursuant to a law, a regulation or following a final decision of a competent jurisdiction, the other stipulations will keep all their strength and their reach.

The parties then agree to replace the clause declared void and invalid, by a clause that will refer the most, as to its content and as to the economic equilibrium, to the clause initially adopted.

Any dispute relating to the execution and interpretation of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

Any dispute relating to the Service of Announcements falls within the exclusive competence of the competent courts of the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Evry (91).

2. Completeness of the agreement:

These General Conditions of Sale represent the entire agreement between you and JUCOLAS PUBLISHING relative to their purpose as set out in Article I.

JUCOLAS PUBLISHING invites you to keep a printout of these Terms and Conditions.